Holton Le Clay Schools Federation

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Holton le Clay Infant School, Church Lane, Holton le Clay, Lincs, DN36 5AQ

Holton le Clay Junior School, Picksley Crescent, Holton le Clay, Lincs, DN36 5DR



01472 822065

01472 826432

Holton Le Clay Schools Federation

To be the best we can be

Out of School Club

We are pleased to confirm that, from September 2023, we are able to offer breakfast club, from 08.00, each day and after school club on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, until 17.30.  We are not able, unfortunately, to currently offer  after school club for Wednesdays or Fridays. 

In order to book sessions all parents must register with ParentPay.  

Please see details below:

Open to:              Both infant and junior pupils

Venue:                 Junior School

Costings:             Before school £5

                             After school £10

Payments:          Sessions must be booked and paid for, in advance, online via our online booking partner ParentPay

Snacks:               Parents are welcome to provide healthy snacks for the before and after school clubs.


We are not currently able to provide any wrap around care during school holidays.


Guidance links for parents

https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4410745182481-How-do-I-activate-my-account- https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6267278945297--VIDEO-How-to-set-up-a-new-account-Activating-your-first-child- https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/articles/6267353801873--VIDEO-How-to-add-a-child-to-an-existing-account

Promoting ParentPay to Parents

Parents and guardians – ParentPay Group 

 Payment https://parent-support.parentpaygroup.com/hc/en-gb/articles/4410737893649-How-to-pay-with-credit-or-debit-card