Holton Le Clay Schools Federation

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Holton le Clay Infant School, Church Lane, Holton le Clay, Lincs, DN36 5AQ

Holton le Clay Junior School, Picksley Crescent, Holton le Clay, Lincs, DN36 5DR



01472 822065

01472 826432

Holton Le Clay Schools Federation

To be the best we can be



DFE Passport for children's learning

Activity Passport

Very recently, the Department for Education (DfE) have issued an ‘Activity Passport’ for schools and parents.  The DfE states ‘Giving young people the opportunity to try new things and develop new skills can be hugely beneficial. It can help children to grow in confidence, expand their understanding of the world around them, or introduce a hobby or passion that could last for years to come.  This is why the Department for Education have published this passport of enrichment activities.  Whether you are developing something from scratch or want to refresh your current approach, this passport is there to offer ideas and inspiration’

Please click here to view Activity Passport

Please find shown below our Homework Policy. We have outlined the general types and frequency of homework your child should be receiving on a regular basis. It is quite difficult to ensure every child has the correct amount and the Government does not state how much homework a child should receive - noting only that the amount is 'reasonable'. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you have any queries.

Homework at Holton-le-Clay School

We believe homework consolidates and reinforces skills and understanding in numeracy, literacy and other curriculum areas, helps raise the level of achievement of individual pupils, provides opportunities for parents and children to work together and, thereby, fostering an effective partnership between home and school.

 We value the support of parents/carers and we believe that this policy will be successful if there is a strong partnership between home and school which is reflected in the Home-School Agreement.

 We recognise that all children need leisure time and hope that our policy reflects a balance so children can extend and consolidate their learning with parental support while still allowing ‘down time.’

 Homework at the infant school will mainly consist of activities that can be done at home and will allow parents to work with their child, without the need for written/recorded evidence to be handed in at school.  We understand that many children and parents like to present written work after the week and if this is the case this homework will be accepted and examined by the class teacher.  On many occasions the children will be allowed to ‘share’ their homework with the class.  The school does ask that the parents fill in the reading record so that there is an accurate record of reading done at home.

Early Years

Homework in Foundation will include a selection of the following:

·         Bug Club

·         Reading with an adult as much as possible.

·         Phonics or maths activities

·         Learning tricky words

·         There may be some homework regarding any projects that might be taking place in Early Years.

Year 1

Homework in year 1 will include a selection of the following:

·         Bug Club

·         Reading with an adult as much as possible

·         Homework (Topic / English / Maths) each week which should take approximately 20 minutes to complete.

·         Spellings / phonics / common exception words

Year 2

Homework in year 2 will include a selection of the following:

·         Bug Club

·         Reading with an adult as much as possible

·         Maths activities based on the work done during the week.

·         Spelling/Grammar homework based on the curriculum spelling patterns or common exception words.

·         Some homework may be connected to the topic for that term.

Year 3 Homework:

·         Reading with an adult, or independently, at least three times a week.  Title and page numbers need to be recorded in the home-school diary.

·         Complete a reading response question based on their reading book.

·         Spelling activities from the school spelling scheme, as appropriate.

·         A maths based activity will be set via the maths shed website

·         A topic/English - based homework, when appropriate.

When appropriate:

  • Research activities based around other subjects such as History or Science.
  • Other basic number skills practised as often as possible to help with instant recall.

Year 4

Each week all children will be asked to:

·         Read with an adult, or independently, at least three times a week.  Page numbers need to be recorded in the home-school diary.

  • Complete a reading response question based on their reading book.

·         EdShed, MathsShed  – weekly games

·         Practise ten spellings  at least 5 times during the week. This includes activities including putting them into sentences in their Spelling Book.

When appropriate:

  • Research activities based around other subjects such as History or Science.
  • Other basic number skills practised as often as possible to help with instant recall. ESp. multiplication facts up to 12x12.

Year 5

Each week all children will be asked to:

·         Read with an adult, or independently, at least three times a week.  Page numbers need to be recorded in the home-school diary.

  • Complete a reading response question based on their reading book.
  • Complete Maths Shed activity at least three times, rising as the year progresses.
  • Practise ten spellings  at least 5 times during the week. This includes putting them into sentences in their Spelling Book.

Other home-learning may include:

  • Research activities based around other subjects such as History or Science.
  • Vocabulary extension work – finding out the meaning of words used in school or found in own reading.
  • Practise their times-tables and other basic number skills as often as possible to help with instant recall.

Year 6

·         Read with an adult, or independently, at least three times a week.  Page numbers need to be recorded in the home-school diary.

  • Complete a reading response question each week
  • Ed Shed – complete a weekly Maths task
  • Practise ten spellings at least 5 times during the week. This includes putting them into sentences in their Spelling Book.
  • Some homework may be connected to the topic for that term

 The Governing Body has:

  • delegated powers and responsibilities to the Policies Committee and to the Headteacher to oversee the development of this policy;
  • responsibility for the effective implementation, monitoring and evaluation of this policy

 Role of the Headteacher

The Headteacher will:

  • promote this policy by raising its status and importance;
  • ensure that homework is built into teachers planning;
  • provide supportive guidance for parents;
  • keep up to date with new developments with regard to homework;
  • monitor and evaluate this policy

 Role of the Teacher

Teachers must:

  • integrate homework into their planning;
  • set interesting tasks or activities;
  • set homework appropriate to each child;
  • explain when, what and how the work is to be done so that each

 Role of Parents/Carers

Parents/carers are asked to:

  • support their child with homework as set by the school;
  • praise the value of homework to their children;
  • provide a suitable space in their home where their children can concentrate on their homework;
  • establish a homework routine;
  • provide materials pens, pencils etc.;
  • go through the homework before their child starts and discuss the completed work when finished;
  • make the experience pleasurable;
  • find time to work with their child or be at hand if a problem arises; discuss, encourage and praise their child’s efforts;
  • contact the school if they are not sure of some aspect of the homework or if their child is experiencing difficulties in doing it;
  • contribute to school evaluation so the school can monitor and evaluate its effectiveness

 Role of Children

Children are asked to:

  • have a go at all the homework and complete as much as they can;
  • listen carefully in class to make sure they understand what is asked of them;

 Types of Homework

All homework tasks and activities are designed to consolidate and reinforce skills and understanding in numeracy and literacy and enhance cross curricular learning.


All children receive feedback on their homework in a variety of forms such as:

  • verbal
  • written
  • class discussion or class sharing
  • praise and recognition

 Parents are asked to:

  • give teachers any feedback they feel might be useful;
  • encourage their children to talk about the feedback they have received;
  • contact the school if they have any concerns

 Monitoring the Effectiveness of the Policy

The effectiveness of this policy will be reviewed annually or when the need arises, and the necessary recommendations for improvement will be made to the governors.